9 Tasty Hunger-Curbing Protein Bars Under One Gram of Sugar

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Protein is the hottest macronutrient right now. If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to eat more protein, you’re not alone . . . everyone and their mother (and brother . . . and coworker . . . and neighbor) is, too! Protein balances blood sugar, fuels physical activity, supports muscle growth, regulates hormones, promotes healthy immune function and more, not to mention it keeps you full for hours. Eating more protein is a surefire way to curb your appetite and manage cravings, and no . . . you don’t have to snack on chicken breast all day long!

Protein bars can be one of the best sources of protein, but you have to be discerning — a.k.a. picky — when it comes to which ones you buy. Many “protein bars” are just candy bars with a few grams of protein, instead packing grams (and grams) of sugar and carbs. Even some “natural” protein bars are loaded with sugar!

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It’s tough to find protein bars that meet our stringent taste, ingredient, macronutrient and near zero-sugar standards, but we’ve tested dozens and found 9 that fit the description. These bars have under one gram of sugar, about a gram of protein per 10 calories and remind Us of our favorite treats — if not better.

We rounded up our tried-and-true favorites that make it easy — and tasty — to crush your protein goals, even if you’re on the go. Whether you’re running on the treadmill or running to grab the kids, these bars will fuel you every step of the way — without the sugar crash. So let’s jump in!

Quest Hero Protein Bars

They’re called “hero” bars for a reason! With macros like these, they could also be called “magic bars”. Each thick and crunchy bar packs 18 grams of protein for only 150 calories, making them a must-have for gym bags, work bags and car cupholders.

Nick’s Swedish Protein Bars

If you’re a chocolate lover, you’ll swoon over these low-carb Swedish bars with drippy caramel and velvety chocolate. They contain hydrolyzed collagen, whey isolate and casein isolate as protein sources!

Barebells Variety Pack Protein Bars

We can’t choose a flavor, so we choose them all! The salty peanut and caramel cashew flavors — both coated in chocolate — are our personal favorites. You’ll get 20 grams of high-quality protein in each!

Quest Cookie Dough Protein Bars

You’ll ditch that late-night roll of Toll House Cookie Dough — guaranteed! These cookie dough protein bars are much tastier than “regular” cookie dough and pack one of the highest protein counts on the list. The chewy texture is one of a kind!

ONE Maple Glazed Donut Protein Bar

These buttery-tasting bars will kick sweet cravings to the curb and make that box of office donuts much less appealing. This semi-crunchy bar has a smooth glazed coating, all with just one gram of sugar. Added to cart!

Misfits Variety Pack Protein Bars

Cookie butter, brownie batter, caramel fudge, oh my! You’d never know these bars are actually vegan. Each flavor contains 190 calories and 15 grams of protein, so try them all . . . you’ll be obsessed, too.

Fulfill Chocolate Salted Caramel Protein Bars

Why settle for just protein when you can get a full panel of vitamins and minerals in the process? These chewy bars boast 40 percent of your daily B12 requirements and 20 percent of your vitamins C, A and E ones.

GNC Layered Lean Bar

Calling all peanut butter lovers! These peanut butter pie protein bars are the ideal midday snack, containing a healthy balance of carbs, fats and protein to tide you over until dinner.

David Fudge Brownie Protein Bars

This pick is to be tested (we’re eagerly awaiting a box in the mail!), but we’re pretty confident given the reviews. These protein bars get their protein from collagen, egg white, milk protein isolate and whey protein isolate, containing 28 grams of high-quality protein!

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